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Fifty years ago my mother-in-law became an unwed mother.  Back in the 60’s that was not a good thing.  She managed to keep her job throughout her pregnancy and worked hard to forge a life as a single woman during that time.

She did an amazing thing.  The son she gave birth to became the man who ended up changing my life for the better.  This man has not only loved me through tons of yucky stuff but has been my partner for 25 years.  We are raising two amazing boys and living the life God intended.


I never in a million years imagined how amazing my life would be and he is a huge reason why I am where I am at.

Joe MacDonald, I give thanks to God for you.  For the crazy places we have been and for knowing that we are meant to be together.  I would not change a thing…not a single thing in my life.  All of our struggles have brought us closer together and have given us strength we never imagined we had.


I love you more than you can imagine.

Today I Am Thankful For (the “Joe” version)

  1. the laughter
  2. the crazy songs
  3. our morning coffee
  4. the flight simulator
  5. His spirit