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My oldest son, Julian, was the victim of bullying when he was in public school.  In high school he was physically assaulted.  It was a nightmare.  As a parent, you try to handle things, but the truth is that you can’t be everywhere, all of the time when your child is in school.  Fortunately, he is now 20 and excelling in college. Julian says that bullying was awful, he is now in a great place and what is in the past is in the past.

But I still vividly remember when he was attacked at school and I was out of town on a business trip.  It was terrifying.

Fast forward several years to my mighty, warrior Caeleb, who is 10 and in the fifth grade.  Caeleb is having a stellar year!  No missed days due to hemophilia, he is playing trumpet, taking piano lessons, participates in Lego club and the robotics club.  He is truly enjoying school.  But this year the bullying started.  I would hear him say things like, “No one in school likes me.”  This is the boy who has never met a stranger and is truly a “social butterfly.”  He can’t understand why anyone wouldn’t like him.  The truth is, there are a few bullies in his class.


My husband and I started to see his spirit being trampled on, so we talked to the school principal.  When my sweet son told her, “Sometimes I think about hurting myself,” I completely lost it.  How can a 10 year old feel this way?  How is this possible?!  It truly broke my heart.  The principal, counselor and teacher took charge of the situation and never has another ugly thing been said to my son.  He was back to his jovial little self.

A few weeks later, Caeleb comes home upset telling me and my husband that a bully in class taunted him and his classmate as they worked on a project.  “Look at Caeleb and his boyfriend!  He’s gay!”  Even if Caeleb was gay, no one has the right to taunt him, especially in front of the class!

The teacher heard everything and the principal called the bully into the office.  She then called Caeleb to explain what happened.  The bully’s parents were called and then he was going to get a pink slip.  And what did my sweet son tell the principal?  “Please don’t give him a pink slip.  He’s already being punished by calling his parents.”

Out of the mouths of babes come some of our best lessons.  My son had no intent on hurting this child who had been tormenting him.  His heart was bigger than any bully could ever be.  Honestly, I wanted to see this boy receive the top level of punishment!  He hurt my son!  But no, my ten year old took the high road…the road less traveled.  He reminded me that day that sometimes you have to let things go and hope that others will eventually understand that their actions and words can be hurtful.

I have an amazing little boy.  He has suffered pain like most of us could never imagine.  He has dealt with physically difficulties that have turned his life upside down and inside out!  But now he is thriving.  He is growing into a compassionate, caring little boy.

I can’t ask for more.

Today I Am Thankful For:

  1. a great sale
  2. a decorated home
  3. my Sunday school class
  4. potlucks
  5. journals