My “passion” has changed throughout the years. For a long time it was music, then I was focused on my children, so they became my passion. My faith and life as a pastor’s wife became an integral part of my life and I felt led to step in as a leader in our church and then my passion switched…I channeled that passion, that desire to encourage and love into women’s ministry.
And over the years I have started writing. It has become an outlet for me to express my feelings as well as to encourage others….another way to live a passionate life.
But what I know for absolute sure, without a speck of doubt is that when I am in front of a group of people preaching God’s word or motivating, encouraging and teaching others about faith and/or living with a chronic illness I am more alive than I ever imagined I could be. It changes me and feeds my soul in a way I never thought possible.
I never dreamed in my wildest dream that public speaking/preaching would fulfill my deepest desires. When I was in high school I simply wanted to be a band director and teach for the rest of my life. Funny thing is I was the class speaker at graduation…I had no idea what was to come.
I am still teaching…it just looks a little different.
God knows where we are headed and if we are lucky we will stop for a moment and listen to Him. I thought my career would look different than what it looks like right now…but when I go back and look at the pieces of my life I see that God had an intricate plan.
What is in store for the future? I have no clue but I know it is exciting 🙂
Today I Am Thankful For: