I’ve been a little distracted this week. I hadn’t realized it until two different friends commented that they knew I wasn’t quite right. And it finally hit me…Mother’s Day.
I was at a friend’s house for dinner this past week and as I was helping clean the kitchen I looked up on the counter and saw the biggest, most beautiful violet. I knew at that moment my mom was reaching out to me. She always had a violet on her little kitchen table. I don’t know how but she could always grow violets. For many years after she passed I had one in my kitchen and I always felt her near. It may sound a little crazy but sometimes we have those little, tangible things that bring back so many memories.
My mom passed away almost 18 years ago and there are times I miss her so much that I physically hurt. You are never the same when you lose a parent. My parents were such a big part of my life and not having them here to love my children and me is a huge loss.
I know the love of both of my parents lives on in me and how I love my children and husband. I thank God for blessing me with a childhood filled with great memories and having a home where I always felt loved. I will do my best with my children so that they may look back on their childhood and say the same.
Happy Mother’s Day, Mama. I miss you.
Today I Am Thankful For:
- Saturday trail rides
- Pulled weeds
- Hummingbird feeders
- New socks
- Communion bread