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Our trip last week to the Denver HTC was great.  They really do it right over there.  Dr. Manco-Johnson and her team are absolutely top notch.

Yesterday I received the call….inhibitor results.  It’s 28.  ARGH!  I had a feeling it was lower….not sure why, but I really thought it was down. 

I know, it’s not about the number. but the treatment and most importantly the person being treated.  But still…I wanted that number down so we could begin Immune Tolerance. 

We are getting closer.  The reality is that this inhibitor may be around for quite some time.  “Christian” was diagnosed with his inhibitor when he was 11 months old and he is now 6.  It’s been a long, difficult time, but I am grateful that things are going as well as they are right now. 

You never know what the next day will hold….bleeding disorder or not.

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