During the winter I tend to “hole up” in my home. The days are shorter, the cold sets in, and I just don’t feel like going anywhere, most of the time. When I do have responsibilities (mostly at church) I can easily explain why I am not able to attend. Here lately my chronic pain has been rearing its very ugly head and I have good reason to take it easy, but when I push myself (or am pushed) to be with others, I always feel better.
Wednesday I wanted nothing more than to stay home. I was in quite a bit of pain and fighting off a cold, but I knew some ladies were counting on me to lead our small group. There were only four of us and let me tell you what, we laughed so hard that tears were streaming down my face! I sure needed that fellowship with those crazy women 🙂 Then we had church dinner which was exceptionally good and we went home. We were all present for each other and for a few minutes that day we laughed and giggled despite anything we were dealing with.
Being present with my church family fills something in my soul that sometimes I don’t realize is empty. It’s not that I am with any specific person, but I am present with others and that is what counts.
If you are in the middle of an unexpected illness, pain, financial worries, etc. take a minute to think of someone else. Talk to them, ask how they are “really” doing…be present.
That’s the best present you can give this season.
Today I Am Thankful For:
- labels
- flowers in a mason jar
- homemade soup
- a house to clean
- flash drives