Sometimes I am amazed at where I am.
I am “supposed” to be teaching middle school band and living in the suburbs of the big city…with my goal to be retiring from teaching.
But God had something else in mind for me and I am so glad I listened.
Last week I found myself in Chicago at a business meeting with some amazing colleagues. We are spread out across the country so when we are together it is a treat. I am the individual on the team who does not come from a healthcare background, but my years of teaching has prepared me for where I am. There are many different tasks I complete on a daily basis, projects, programs… but the most fulfilling role I fill is that of an encourager…a motivator…the cheerleader.
It’s funny but even in the world of business God has a way of using his children to encourage, to minister. The language may be a little different but when you are kind, you listen and are present aren’t you being the hands and feet of Christ?
I always thought I wanted to work in the church “full-time” and what I have come to realize is that I am.
It’s not about where my paycheck comes from but where my heart is and where it will hopefully lead others.
Today I Am Thankful For:
- Good test results
- Wrist splints
- Iced tea
- My new grill
- Dental floss