My blog is broken into three main categories but I touch on endless topics. To read my posts about these categories just click the buttons below.
The Fishbowl Podcast
The podcast for leaders in ministry and the world
Oozing Everyday
Thoughts on life and faith while “oozing”‘ with the light of Christ
2 Brothers with Hemophilia
The journey of two brothers with Severe hemophilia A
Madly in Love
I loved high school. I had some amazing friends and memories that will last a lifetime. The only thing that seemed to be missing was that I never had a boyfriend. I wanted to have a special someone love me and I lived vicariously through some of my girlfriends. I...
If You Know Me….Better Than Most…
Most people who know me would probably say that I will always lend a helping hand when I can and that I tend to see the best in most situations. As an advocate, and in ministry these are things that help me to be successful most of the time. It's just always been...
I am a woman who has hope. I wasn't always that way. You know those people who are "glass half empty" people? That was me! As I've gotten older and especially as I have dealt with my youngest son's medical issues, I have held on to hope tighter than I ever...
Being Present
During the winter I tend to "hole up" in my home. The days are shorter, the cold sets in, and I just don't feel like going anywhere, most of the time. When I do have responsibilities (mostly at church) I can easily explain why I am not able to attend. Here lately my...
I Wonder…
Yesterday was WorldAIDS Day. It is a day set apart to remember those who are living with HIV. During the late 70's and early 80's, "The CDC report provided strong evidence that AIDS wasspread by blood. Altogether, almost 5000 hemophiliacs were to become...
The Season Has Begun
The Advent season begins four Sunday's before Christmas and ends on Christmas Eve. It is the beginning of the liturgical year for Christians and is the time Christians prepare and anticipate the birth of Christ. When the first Sunday of Advent arrives, I feel like...
To the Newly Diagnosed Parent
Last week I had the privilege of talking to a mom with a newly diagnosed baby boy with hemophilia. Hearing her pain, grief and devastation over the phone was heart wrenching. I wanted to reach through the line and give her a hug to reassure her that things...
Birthday Wishes to My Friend
Today my heart was blessed in a way that was almost too much to accept. I went on my usual Saturday ride with my friend Maggie. We rode after lunch and the weather was as perfect as it could ever possibly be for a November afternoon. We went cross country, cantered in...
He is Working
I am a very transparent person. Probably more than I should be. I used to be a woman who tried to be what she was not by dressing a certain way and trying to keep up with the Jones'. It just wasn't me. It took moving out of state on a huge leap of faith as my...
Godzilla No More!
What a weekend! I traveled to Omaha to spend time with one of my dearest friends, "J", and we went to see Janet Jackson in concert. I love, love, love Janet's music and we had a fantastic time:) I went out of the box for myself and instead of saying, "Wouldn't it be...