My blog is broken into three main categories but I touch on endless topics. To read my posts about these categories just click the buttons below.
The Fishbowl Podcast
The podcast for leaders in ministry and the world
Oozing Everyday
Thoughts on life and faith while “oozing”‘ with the light of Christ
2 Brothers with Hemophilia
The journey of two brothers with Severe hemophilia A
A Dad’s Point of View
My name is Joe MacDonald and I am Cazandra’s husband and partner in the management and care of both of our sons and their unique challenges related to having severe hemophilia. Actually, we all know that there is way much more to raising children than just...
Restored and Redeemed
I have this beautiful little pair of boots that I wore when I was about four years old. I would not wear any other shoes 🙂 I was obsessed with horses and those boots transported my little mind to places that were filled with horses racing from one field to the...
Time Off
I had the luxury of taking two Friday's off in the past month. Why such a luxury? Because those days were not spent "vacationing" in the hospital. I honestly do not know when the last time was that I took time off and it was not related to medical issues for my...
Murphy Had it Right
If it can go wrong, it will…and never at a good time. This past week was definitely filled with events, one after the other, that brought crazy challenges to my life. Fortunately nothing involved my sons and hemophilia 🙂 I fell on an icy spot in our driveway and...
Welcome to My New Bloggy Buddy!
Actually, my new bloggy buddy is my hubby, Joe! Joe is a fantastic writer and has great perspective on raising our sons with hemophilia. I asked him if he would like to share his stories and insights on the blog and he actually agreed :)We have a series in...
Have you ever collected "stamps" from the grocery store? You know the kind that if you fill in the card and you can earn a new frying pan? I remember those pink stamps when I was a kid from Middleton's Supermarket in Galena Park, Texas. I don't know if my Mom ever...
Not Yet!
Last week I received an email from the physician who is "corralling" all of the doctors involved in my "Christian's" care. He wanted to know how my husband and I felt about discussing adjusting Christian's treatment and lowering his frequency of Xolair. Yikes!...
This Year
"My name is Cazandra and I am a Pinterest addict". I discovered Pinterest one night in the wee hours with my little boy in the hospital. You need an invitation from a member to join so of course I just went to Facebook and found a friend online that invited me. I...
Not Just the1st
Today is the day that many people look forward to. It is the day when we get a chance to start fresh. We have a clean slate. It's almost magical for many. Everything is new and filled with hope with the memories and messiness of the previous year gone. I don't...
What Would You Have Said?
This past Friday my husband and I celebrated our 22nd wedding anniversary. We actually went to dinner and a show and had a fantastic time. Over dinner we had some great conversation and then my husband, in true fashion, asked me a question that really made me think. ...