My blog is broken into three main categories but I touch on endless topics. To read my posts about these categories just click the buttons below.
The Fishbowl Podcast
The podcast for leaders in ministry and the world
Oozing Everyday
Thoughts on life and faith while “oozing”‘ with the light of Christ
2 Brothers with Hemophilia
The journey of two brothers with Severe hemophilia A
I Had No Idea
I remember the day well. It was a rainy Saturday in Pasadena, Texas. It was the day I got married. The wedding was beautiful, the music was perfect (my hair was frizzy)….and I could not have asked for the day to have been better. I just wish my young 24 year old...
The Carpool Line
I never thought I would be excited to wait in line to drop off and pick my son up from school.Yes, the carpool line….I am thrilled to be in the carpool line!A year ago my son was in the hospital and has been wheelchair bound until recently.My "Christian" has been...
Peace. I didn't think I would even understand what peace could mean in my life. My life is crazy busy! How in the world would I ever know peace in the midst of my everyday living? Doesn't peace mean that you have a time of quiet in your day? That routine is mundane...
No Fear
For the past six weeks something has not been right. My family is all good, work is good, but my neck has not been good. It has been getting worse and I have been going to the doctor, the chiropractor, physical therapy and therapeutic massage. Over the Thanksgiving...
Zero is my favorite number
Today is huge! As of this moment, my "Christian" has severe hemophilia! Why the excitement? His inhibitor (the bug that eats up the clotting factor he needs) is registering ZERO! For the moment, it is gone. No inhibitor! This inhibitor battle...
Unapproachable Light
Have you ever been doing something and all of a sudden you have a warmth come over you? It's like goose bumps covering your body. When that happens to me it is a sign to me that I am doing what I am supposed to be doing. I am doing what God intended for me to...
It has been a long time since I have been comfortable accessing my son's port. For the past two years he has been dealing with PTSD and a port that just didn't work well. He would put up a physical fight and be in hysterics with the whole...
The Card Fairy
When my husband and I were dating we frequently left cards for each other….the "Card Fairy" would visit often 🙂 Sometimes she would leave a note on a car windshield or would magically appear in a college textbook. You never knew where or when she would leave a sweet...
Lucky Number “6”
Port #6 has arrived and is 10 days old! Friday my husband accessed it for the first time and he said it was impossible to miss. What a relief! We have had so many problems with "Christian's" port and the fact that he struggles with a...
Hypocrite? I Don’t Think So…..
When I was younger I would have won an award for worrying. I was great at it! I would lose sleep, overeat, panic, and even had the beginnings of serious anxiety before I even knew what it was. As my journey with Christ became more solid and meaningful I began to...