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My blog is broken into three main categories but I touch on endless topics. To read my posts about these categories just click the buttons below. 

The Fishbowl Podcast

The podcast for leaders in ministry and the world

Oozing Everyday

Thoughts on life and faith while “oozing”‘ with the light of Christ

2 Brothers with Hemophilia

The journey of two brothers with Severe hemophilia A

Sunday Morning

Most Sunday mornings you will find me in church…but not today.  My husband and I were not able to access "Christian's" port on Saturday evening and when we spoke to the doctor on call, we decided to skip his dose of FEIBA.  He was not bleeding and not in a...

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Surrender has been on my heart. The first thing that comes to my mind is when I watch an old movie and see someone waving a white flag and surrendering to the enemy. I surrender to the One who knows my every thought. I wake up each morning and before my feet even...

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Are You Enough?

I believe the world would be a much different place if each of us believed in ourselves wholeheartedly. Not just sometimes, but all of the time (maybe even just "most" of the time). Don't get me wrong. I am not talking about perfection, because no one is perfect,...

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Where I Need To Be

I love to plan. Checklists, schedules, plan A & B…… I like to be prepared. The last two weeks were an opportunity for God to get a good chuckle as my "plans" changed at the drop of a hat. Instead of attending a business trip in California, I became ill with strict...

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When you can touch something it's real and reassuring. Not everything is tangible, but it is nice when it is.  Children who are in and out of the hospital with chronic illnesses only know their illness as a way of life.  What most of us know to be true is...

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In An Instant

My sweet "Christian" was admitted to the hospital Sunday night because his Dad and I just could not access his port.  The next couple of days were filled with IV's and a port that had a nasty rash on the outside.  Last night the IV infiltrated the muscle in...

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Another good month

To battle my "Christian's" allergy to factor VIII, we are slowly increasing his dosage each month (in addition to 300 mgs. of Xolair every other week).Yesterday was another big day….he tolerated 750 units of factor VIII!  It sure is a slow process, but things are...

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Enjoying the Little Things

A four day weekend Cooking for my family An extra cup of coffee with my husband Sleeping in Loads of laundry to wash A picnic in the mountains Sunday morning worship Phone calls to a friend Packages in the mail Ice cold water Laughing with my family Today I am...

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In our home we call our Thanksgiving meal our Thanksgiving "feast". Every few weeks when we are craving good Mexican food I am summoned to prepare a Mexican "feast". My family knows how to feast….it's not a term we throw around lightly. This past week I read a...

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“Christian” 2.0

In the world of inhibitors it is easy to get fixated on numbers.  Inhibitor levels are measured in BethesdaUnits (titers) and it is just about everyone's wish to be below 10.  This is the level where most doctors target to get in order to start Immune...

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The Mighty Contributor - Cazandra Campos-MacDonald

