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My blog is broken into three main categories but I touch on endless topics. To read my posts about these categories just click the buttons below. 

The Fishbowl Podcast

The podcast for leaders in ministry and the world

Oozing Everyday

Thoughts on life and faith while “oozing”‘ with the light of Christ

2 Brothers with Hemophilia

The journey of two brothers with Severe hemophilia A

#5 Coming Soon

 I had trouble accessing "Christian's" port last week (while his Dad was out of town).  What started as needing help accessing turned into a dye study to check placement and we learned that the port had coiled and developed a clot. I am glad it worked out...

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A Little Tired…..

It's been a busy couple of weeks. My husband is out of town starting his doctorate work, my little guy has been at Adaptive Sports Camp and my oldest is in summer school and I had the privilege to preach at my home church today on Pentecost Sunday. And tomorrow I will...

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May 27, 1962

What was this day like for my parents, 52 years ago? Their first son, so small and sick in a rural, Texas town. Did my mom hold him as he breathed his last breath or did a doctor come in the room to give her the devastating news?  Was anyone with her or did she have...

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Happy Birthday

  May 22, 1962 I don't know what life would have been like if my brother had lived.Would he have been annoyed with a little sister following him wherever he went? I like to think he could have whipped up a mean peanut butter sandwich and taken me out...

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Blessed and amazed

Sometimes I am amazed at where I am. I am "supposed" to be teaching middle school band and living in the suburbs of the big city...with my goal to be retiring from teaching. But God had something else in mind for me and I am so glad I listened. Last week I found...

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Paper Plates

My husband asked me what I wanted to do for Mother's Day. "Come home after church, eat at home, and maybe do a few things around the house," was my answer. I am preparing to be out of town for business for a few days so spending the day at home sounded great. And it...

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A Little Sign

I've been a little distracted this week. I hadn't realized it until two different friends commented that they knew I wasn't quite right. And it finally hit me...Mother's Day. I was at a friend's house for dinner this past week and as I was helping clean the kitchen I...

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A Birds Eye View

I don't think mos people would say that they like to be stuck with needles on a regular basis.  I have heard stories of big, manly, tattooed men on the brink of tears when a needle approaches.......(To read the rest of this post visit...

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A Heart for Ministry

I had the honor of speaking at a retreat in my home church this past weekend and was so incredibly blessed.  It was an amazing experience.  I worked with a team of three other ladies to plan a first annual event. When you plan an event of this magnitude there are...

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The Washing of Feet

Foot Washing. Two words that will make people run from the church!   Thursday evening our church had a foot washing service.  It was one of the most amazing, spirit filled evenings I think I've ever had. Our small, intimate group had the opportunity to have their feet...

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The Mighty Contributor - Cazandra Campos-MacDonald

