My blog is broken into three main categories but I touch on endless topics. To read my posts about these categories just click the buttons below.
The Fishbowl Podcast
The podcast for leaders in ministry and the world
Oozing Everyday
Thoughts on life and faith while “oozing”‘ with the light of Christ
2 Brothers with Hemophilia
The journey of two brothers with Severe hemophilia A
The Day Has Arrived
Thursday, April 17, 2014 is the day our family has been waiting for and working towards for months. It is the day that our mighty warrior "Christian" receives his first dose of Xolair, a relatively new injectable drug that is used to treat moderate to...
Seek and Find
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with...
My mighty warrior, Christian, is doing so well. He's been to school 30 days in a row and has not had any bleeds that have kept him down. He has endured a couple of bleeds that we were able to control at home. This has been a huge victory. But...
My Other Mom
Way, way back when my husband and I were newly married, I had issues with my mother-in-law. We just didn't get along. My mother would fuss at me and tell me, "Cazandra, she is going to be here long after I am gone, you need to develop a relationship with her!" She...
I Stopped For A Moment
This morning was a little crazier than usual. It was not a simple "get up and hit the ground running" kind of Monday. We were all moving a little slower than usual. "Christian" was not feeling well in the wee hours so my husband and I were up taking care of him...
I’ve Never Liked Rollercoasters
I am not a fan of rollercoasters. I can still hear the click of the track as the Texas Cyclone crept up the hill. The feeling you get when you go straight down is not something I care to ever experience again. So you will never see me in line at the...
Who Do You Talk To Most Often?
Is it your best friend…your spouse…a family member? When I started to think about this question I realized that the person I talk to most often is..... me! I will admit that more often than not the things I say to myself are not very kind. Doubt creeps in,...
Twenty Days
I never dreamed we would make 20 days of school in a row.But there is something else that is absolutely amazing. "Christian" has been struggling with his fear of needles for quite some time. It was to the point where my husband and I had to take him in to the HTC once...
And Another Week Passed…..
Fifteen days of school in a row! Well, of course that was almost too much to believe. Friday night, as we entered the auditorium to watch my oldest son perform the lead role in "Shrek", my "Christian's" knee started up. I immediately took him...
I Always Thought I’d Be A Band Mom
I remember the day I opened my oboe case when I was in 5th grade. My sister's band director (Mrs. Dempsey) heard I made good grades and she wanted me to play the oboe. I had no idea how that would change my life. I took my first private lesson and I was hooked! My...