My blog is broken into three main categories but I touch on endless topics. To read my posts about these categories just click the buttons below.
The Fishbowl Podcast
The podcast for leaders in ministry and the world
Oozing Everyday
Thoughts on life and faith while “oozing”‘ with the light of Christ
2 Brothers with Hemophilia
The journey of two brothers with Severe hemophilia A
I Always Thought I’d Be A Band Mom
I remember the day I opened my oboe case when I was in 5th grade. My sister's band director (Mrs. Dempsey) heard I made good grades and she wanted me to play the oboe. I had no idea how that would change my life. I took my first private lesson and I was hooked! My...
10 Days!
Yesterday was by far the best afternoon I have had in months. I had a productive day at work...that is always a positive. But the best part of Friday afternoon was that my "Christian" completed 10 days of school in a row! 10 Days!! The most he...
Lent is Here
I love the Lenten season in the church. It is a time for reflection and reverence and devotion, but the misconception about Lent is that you must suffer and give something up for 40 days or else you are not "doing it right". I believe the season is about remembering...
What is the Week Going to Bring?
A friend of mine asked me if our family had had at least two weeks of "normal" over the past several months. I stopped and thought about and realized that the longest span of time we have been able to count as "normal" (without being in the hospital with my little...
Head in the Sand
"If I don't talk about it surely it will go away!""If still have checks in my checkbook, so surely there must still be money in my account!" :)"If I don't answer the phone I won't hear the bad news on the other end."I admit that I like to put my head in the sand. It's...
Last night, as I was walking out of the UNM Children's Hospital, the wind had picked up quite a bit (part of New Mexico living). The canopy over the entrance was whipping around pretty violently as the wind came at me full force. People were busy coming in to visit...
Love in Action
I've never been a big "Valentine's Day" person. When my husband and I were dating we often had rehearsals, concerts, or conventions on the 14th of February. Maybe an occasional dinner but never anything extremely special was made of that day. Today I have watched as...
My mighty warrior "Christian" is amazing. He manages to be happy despite not being able to walk, despite missing so many days of school and even despite spending day after day in the hospital because of his bad knee. His right knee started becoming a problem in...
Tonight I am winding down on the fifth night of a hospital stay with my 8 year old, "Christian". The snow is coming down outside, blanketing the streets and rooftops of the buildings around us. It's as if the snow is covering up the messiness of the day as we move...
To Plan or Not To Plan
The “spur-of-the-moment” gene did not get passed along to me, or anyone else in my family. I am definitely a Type A kind of gal. When it comes to holidays, vacations, and family dinners I love to make plans months in advance so it will be a memorable...