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The Honeymoon is Over

It’s been 14 months since my warrior has been in the hospital and it has sure been nice…almost like a honeymoon from hemophilia.  Sadly, the honeymoon is over.  Caeleb had a bad fall on the stairs Sunday evening that warranted a bleed dose of Novo...

What’s a Mom to do?

When you have a young “adult,” there are certain things you have to let go.  Prophy is one thing.  My 19 year old, Julian, believes prophy is not necessary since he always infuses when he feels something coming on.  I finally had to let that...

A Wave of Gratitude

A special thanks to my husband for this beautiful post.This season is very special in our family for a number of reasons. We look forward to time off work, to being together, to play in the snow. It is a very special time when we give thanks for the incredible gifts...

I Wonder…

Yesterday was WorldAIDS Day.  It is a day set apart to remember those who are living with HIV. During the late 70’s and early 80’s, “The CDC report provided strong evidence that AIDS wasspread by blood. Altogether, almost 5000 hemophiliacs were...

To the Newly Diagnosed Parent

Last week I had the privilege of talking to a mom with a newly diagnosed baby boy with hemophilia.  Hearing her pain, grief and devastation over the phone was heart wrenching.  I wanted to reach through the line and give her a hug to reassure her that things...

One Year Ago

One year ago yesterday (October 17th) Caeleb had his 6th port placed.  It has been the best port he has ever had.  His daily infusions are going well, his inhibitor is in the process of being tolerized and the best news is that he has not been in the...