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One Year Ago

One year ago yesterday (October 17th) Caeleb had his 6th port placed.  It has been the best port he has ever had.  His daily infusions are going well, his inhibitor is in the process of being tolerized and the best news is that he has not been in the...

It Never Fails

Our family is preparing to travel to Chicago for the National Hemophilia Foundation’s Annual Meeting. And what happens? “Christian” is having a bleed in his left foot and is starting a nasty cough. It never fails that something happens as we are...

I’m Just Amazed

I have a Facebook account. I normally check in during the evenings, but sometimes I get messages during the day when someone posts to a couple of the groups I belong to. One of those groups is “Living With Hemophilia and Inhibitors.” I was reading through...

Full Circle

I love seeing things come “full circle.” You know, when something generous or kind comes back to you.I have a sweet friend in Texas, “M”. When her son was diagnosed with hemophilia, she reached out to me and my husband and we became regulars in...