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Is the New Year really here?

Yes, it is that time. time to select my word for the year. Last year my word “listen” helped me find time in the busyness of life to stop and be still. Being intentional about finding more time to quiet my mind helped me with my focus, not only in my spiritual life but in everything.

The difference between selecting a word for the year and not developing a list of resolutions is that failing with a list of resolutions is exceptionally high. In my experience, my resolutions usually fail before January is over, and I do not want to go through that process of beating myself up for lack of success. A single word allows for more freedom. And when I go a few months without considering my word, I return to focusing on it and move forward.

This year my word is prayer. Why would a pastor choose the word prayer? Please remember pastors are real people and should not be put on a pedestal. We have struggles and difficulties in our lives, just like members of our congregations. Of course, the hope and expectation are that pastors have deep spiritual lives and can lead their flocks in their spiritual journey. But like everyone else, sometimes they need to spend time on nurturing their relationship with God and not just helping others with their journey.

The clergy has a great deal of responsibility which often leads to stress. Being entrusted to lead a congregation amid their struggles is something that many do not see. I feel my prayer life is not as strong as it has been at other times in my life. While I continue my practice of listening to God, I don’t want it to be a one-way conversation. I need to be more involved and present.

Some may think I am too vulnerable by sharing my feelings and struggles, but I know others experience the same issues. When it comes to our relationship with the Spirit,  I’ve often said that this relationship is one we keep working on until our last breath.

I also have a scripture focus. “Rejoice always. Pray continually. Give thanks in every situation because this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, (CEB).

I must rejoice not only when wonderful things happen, but simply because I am a child of God.  And praying with intention is what my heart yearns for right now. As for giving thanks, it is about giving thanks in every situation, not because of a situation. While I will not give thanks for a life-changing medical diagnosis, I will give thanks in those moments because God is with me and His grace and love never change. 

May God’s peace be with you, Beloved.

Today I am Thankful for:

  1. Deep cleaning 
  2. Wine corks
  3. Binging shows
  4. Juicy apples
  5. Dawn EZ-SQUEEZE dish soap