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Our Motto

When your immediate family lives hundreds of miles away, you need to be prepared in the event of an emergency. I have put together a Household Binder, and it needs some major updating.  Once a year, I update our emergency contact numbers, doctor’s numbers,...


It’s been almost 16 years since Mama passed away.  I think of her often and today I have a warmth in my heart as I think about her. The homemade french fries she would make after school.The $20 bill that would come in the mail when I was off at college (always...


Today I am off to Wisconsin to speak at a Couple’s Retreat.  The couples are all affected by a bleeding disorder and my mission is to bring a positive, uplifting message as a parent of children with a bleeding disorder.  This is my passion!  Preaching God’s word and...

Condemnation or Restoration?

Imagine a condemned building.  Dangerous.  Unfit.  Unusable.  Have you ever felt that way?  Condemned?  At some point in your life, you may have been in a pit of despair.  Perhaps dealing with a deep, dark depression that smothers you.  Maybe your financial situation...