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The Hardest One to Love

The Hardest One to Love

I feel like I am offering the same sermon every week to my congregation. The central theme seems to always migrate to love. Loving our neighbors, even if their dogs bark all night. Loving a brother, who hates you. Loving a neighbor, who needs help. Sometimes love is...

Twenty-Nine Years

I just don’t have the words to describe how I feel today. I am giving thanks to God for putting Joe MacDonald in my life. Twenty-nine years ago, we started a journey with a certain life in mind. Here we are, all these years later, living the life I never dreamed...

Love them anyway

It was a long, couple of days as I traveled to St. Louis to speak at an event. I arrived at the St. Louis airport ready to hunker down for a long wait for my departure home. As I went through security, my boarding pass was checked and moved on to the line to have my...

Happy Half Year!

January 1, 2017…I had such big plans. I was going to embrace my One Word, “change,” and really make a difference in my life. By the summer I would have lost at least 20 pounds, been going to the gym regularly, having a daily prayer life and been employed...