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I have not taken time away from writing, devotionals, and speaking in many years. These past few months have given me space to breathe and focus on my family and hospice chaplain ministry. It has been a very fulfilling time, and I look forward to seeing patients every day. It has been a time of turning inward and allowing myself to account for the things that are important and perhaps not.

There is one thing I did not focus on well…my self-care. While taking a sabbatical from various parts of my life, I did not take time to care for my physical health. I am doing okay but need to get back into a place where I feel good in my skin. Does that sound familiar?

As I travel from homes to assisted living facilities and nursing homes, I am in my car a lot, and walking is limited. By the time I get home, weary after a day of visits, the last thing I want to do is get on the treadmill. I keep beating myself up about not getting on the treadmill and taking care of my physical self.

But feeling good in my own skin does not just pertain to the physical part of who I am. This concept is about knowing who I am and accepting myself just the way I am. It’s all about grace. I can tell people all day long that they are enough, that they are a masterpiece made in the image of God and are amazing. Yet when it comes to telling myself those same messages, I fail often.

There is an app a friend from seminary recommended. It is the I Am app. It gives affirmations throughout the day. Today the affirmation was, “I need to give myself the grace that I give to others.”

Ouch. The universe got me.

Grace is for everyone. It doesn’t matter how much you weigh, how much money is in the bank, or if you are in a relationship. God’s love for you is complete. It is overwhelming and all-encompassing. The only way I can attempt to understand the love God has for me is when I held my firstborn on my chest for the first time. It’s that suffocating kind of love…you think you will never breathe again.

Yes, Beloved, that is how the God of all creation loves you.

Give yourself grace…I’m going to do the same.

Devotions in the Desert will resume on September 6th. Visit my YouTube page to subscribe for notifications. The Hemophilia 24/7 column will return on Wednesdays in September.

Today I Am Thankful For:

  1. a new office space
  2. scented candles
  3. original art by a dear friend
  4. My oldest son moving home (for a bit)
  5. oscillating fans