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The past few months have been a significant time of change. Change brings stress and can be overwhelming. I am glad that I am feeling good about my decision to move forward on another path in hospice chaplaincy. I am spending time evaluating what is important. Visiting the sick and dying brings a lot of perspective.

I will return to writing my monthly newsletter in September. I have already been taking a sabbatical from my weekly column with Hemophilia News Today and plan to return to writing in September.

I planned to resume Devotions in the Desert in August, but I am moving my return to September. Now that my schedule has settled in and I feel confident in my work and my continuing Clinical Pastoral Education, I want to spend time resting, refreshing, and refocusing my soul.

Have you taken time to breathe? It doesn’t have to be as grand as taking a vacation or going on a retreat. Beloved, we can take a sabbatical right where we are.

Join me in stepping back and evaluating what is important. I will keep you in prayer and appreciate you doing the same for me.

May God’s peace overwhelm you today.

Peace be with you, Beloved.

Don’t miss the relaunch of Devotions in the Desert! Subscribe to my channel on YouTube.