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I feel like I am offering the same sermon every week to my congregation. The central theme seems to always migrate to love.
  • Loving our neighbors, even if their dogs bark all night.
  • Loving a brother, who hates you.
  • Loving a neighbor, who needs help.

Sometimes love is easy, especially if we have a significant other or family and friends who are close to us. Loving those who we are angry at is never easy because we want to prove that we are right:) Loving neighbors? Even the neighbors who never wave or smile? Yes, loving neighbors, both good and bad ones. This act of love is one that stretches us. It is a practice we must engage in daily. But there is one other person that is difficult to love…


Hopefully, this does not apply to everyone, but I know it will resonate with many. I love others well yet do not love myself (I don’t say this to encourage compliments from readers). When I look in the mirror, I see a woman who messed up on her diet. A woman who needs to color her hair, and lose twenty more pounds. A woman who is in pain but still moving. I cannot be in love with myself because I see the flaws, the mistakes, the wrinkles that have years of worry etched into my skin and my soul.

Sound familiar?

I need to find that small voice I heard when I was in elementary school calling me to follow the Holy Spirit. The voice that told me Jesus was always with me and I was special. The voice that urged me to finally go to seminary. Yes, this is the voice I need to reclaim so that I will fall in love with my heart and soul.

Falling in love with yourself first doesn’t make you vain or selfish, it makes you indestructible.  -Unknown

Will you join me on this journey to self-love?

Grace and peace,

Today I Am Thankful For:
  1. dog walks
  2. an organized office
  3. Sunday morning rituals
  4. a New Mexico sky
  5. learning to weave