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New Things

I tried something completely new and out of my box this weekend…I made fresh red, chile sauce. It is a very “New Mexican” thing to do! It’s a long process, but if you have the right music playing, it goes by fast :)I have struggled for many years...

Being Stuck

I am stuck.My job as a member of a national healthcare team (we care for folks with bleeding disorders) is great. Hours are flexible, I can work in my jammies if I want to (I never do), and the traveling is minimal. I work from my home office, but 90% of the time I...

The “Fish”

Lance started his freshman year of High School today! I can’t believe I have a child in High School (am I really getting older?). He won’t admit it, but he’s pretty nervous. I am thankful that his first period class is band…so hopefully this will put...