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Quick trips and friends

A quick trip to New Mexico was just what I needed. I had an appointment on the books and made plans to stay with one of my dearest friends…aka “Maggie Poo.” We planned to go horseback riding the next morning. I joined her and her amazing husband for...

Basketball and Gratitude

My desk is in our front room with a great big window that allows me to watch the sun come and go, the birds eat their seeds and to see the kids outside playing. This evening I write with five kids playing basketball in my driveway. The bounce of the ball rings like a...

A Fleeting Moment

“But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God’s unfailing love for ever and ever.” Psalm 52:8   As the last half of the year has begun, I am finding myself looking at my One Word with new eyes. I picked the word...

Voices: Listening to What Matters

There are hundreds of voices that we hear every day. The local news that repeats the same stories over and over again. The constant chatter of people on their cell phones in the doctor’s waiting room giving us details of their lives we would rather not know. In...

Looking Forward

It’s really December 3rd. I don’t feel like the holiday season has truly begun. It’s not cold enough! It looks like the weather will cool down some more this week and I am hoping that the Christmas season will start to resonate in my home. There is...