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Fleeting enjoyment or lasting joy?

The holiday season is here. The trees that have been up in some stores since October are now appropriate for the season. Black Friday begins on Thanksgiving, holiday commercials are playing on the television, and we cannot seem to get away from retailers constantly...

Reminders and Thanks

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. The crisp air, crunchy leaves, the smell of fireplaces burning in the neighborhood, and the feast. From getting up at 5 am to get the turkey in the oven, to the nap in the afternoon…I love this holiday. I find myself thinking back...

Birthday wishes for my dear friend

Sharing a favorite post from 2015 in honor of my friend’s birthday today. Send your friends a text and tell them how much you love them. Today my heart was blessed in a way that was almost too much to accept. I went on my usual Saturday ride with my friend...

One year ago…

  November 3, 2016 at 3:20 pm I thought my life was over. I got the ill fated call that released me from my job. “It’s not your job performance, we are just going in another direction,” she said. I’ve worked full-time for 27 years, what was I...

My People and Our Journey

The past three weeks have been a blur. I spent a week in Denver at school, the following weekend in California speaking at a women’s retreat, writing my first official paper for school, and trying to process some yucky goings on in my life (while managing my...