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I am at a time in my life where I am in absolute awe and amazement. I look back and think about the moment I walked up on stage at my High School graduation to deliver the student address.  Why in the world did I think I could do that?  I never saw it as a goal, I...

Forgetting to Worship

I realized something in church today. First of all, it was a fantastic service!  We had a combined service with hymns and praise music had the “Blessing of the Backpacks” and passed out Bibles to our 3rd graders.  I played special music with a new friend who is a...

Sharing or Self-Serving?

This morning I did something I’ve not done in a very long time.  I played my oboe at a new church.  My new friend, “D” and I have decided to hold each other accountable and get our “chops” back in shape by playing chamber music together.  She is an amazing pianist who...


I love leading women’s groups.  I have had many opportunities to lead weekend retreats, workshops, support groups and small studies.  There is just something about women being together that is magical.  We know each other in a special way. When I lead a women’s event...

The Secret is Out!

It’s official.  I will be speaking at the TEDxABQ event at Popejoy Hall, in Albuquerque, New Mexico on Saturday, September 12th. To date, this is one of the hardest things I have ever had do in regards to public speaking.  The coaching process is pretty intense...

Shaking Off My Sandals!

Isn’t it nice to hear people say, “Great job!  I loved your message!  You have such a gift.  You do great work.” Sure it is! But then the other side of that is when you hear, “I didn’t understand your message.  Your work was not quite up...