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A Little Passion

My “passion” has changed throughout the years. For a long time it was music, then I was focused on my children, so they became my passion. My faith and life as a pastor’s wife became an integral part of my life and I felt led to step in as a leader...

Time Flies

The older I get the faster time seems to fly by. “Is it already August? Where did the summer go?? Enjoy your children they grow so fast.” Aren’t those the kind of things only our parents used to say? Well, we are our parents now. Eighteen years ago...

A Rough Day

Today was a rough day. And it’s the rough days when the enemy love to mess with you. The enemy (devil, satan, lucifer, etc.) is just evil. But often times it’s really difficult to see the devil in action. Maybe you think the devil is red with horns and...

Grabbing Hold

I am really good at beating myself up (not physically). If there was an Olympic sport for abusing oneself with doubt and criticism I would be a gold medalist. When it comes to building others up and motivating people to do their best at work or to find depth in their...

Love Like No Other

I adore my husband. We’ve been together 25 years but truth be told I didn’t know love in the deep, complete, overwhelming, crazy, passionate, selfless way that love can truly be until 18 years ago…when my oldest son was born. I knew my life would change,...

Holding it Together

Holding it together is exhausting. Today my little boy had surgery and I had not “felt” anything. I knew this port placement was necessary, everything was in place, and we were moving forward. I had been moving on instinct and logic and my heart had not...