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Where You Belong

There have been many times in my life when I wondered if I was where I belonged. I think it’s a natural thing.  We wonder if we are living our lives to the fullest.  Are we following the path God has placed in front of us?  Are we truly doing the best we can to...

Good Friday

We participated in an amazing Good Friday service tonight. This is an evening I look forward to every year. It’s a time to stop and focus on the sacrifice that was made for all of creation. It’s almost just too much to try and comprehend.I caught myself...


I went to church tonight to experience “prayer stations”.  Throughout the church, stations were set up that gave each participant new ways to think about prayer.  One station was a scrabble board and you were encouraged to form words that represented God...


Without my iPhone I would be terribly lost.  I set alarms and reminders to keep my day moving…when to pick up the boys, when it’s time for a conference call, appointments, lists of items to pick up at the store…it never ends! Today I received a...

His Best

I am having a hard time believing this nugget of inspiration right now. I know that everything in our lives happens for a purpose. A purpose that may be easy to see during the event but often times it takes quite some time to understand the reasons why we go through...