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A Spark

Sunday morning I finally stepped out into what I know.  My passion.  My ministry.  My calling to lead women. I held a meeting for those interested in beginning a women’s ministry at our church. There are so many possibilities…so many people to be...

The Only Bible

How many Bibles do you own?  Personally, I’ve lost count, but I will admit that I do have a nice collection.  Different sizes, different translations….all very handy.  But the truth is that I always go back to my favorite.  It’s my Life Application Study...

Having Skin

“The miracle is not to walk on water but on the Earth.”  Thich Nhat Hanh When I first saw this quote, I wasn’t sure how to take it.  Did it mean Christ was not the miracle?  The more I thought about it, I came to an understanding.  We are not...

Have You Prayed About It?

So often I get going in my daily routine and by the end of the day some things are laying heavy on me.  “If only I had given this issue some serious prayer….”  I have been establishing my morning routine of prayer and devotion but sometimes, I feel as if I...

Are you sure, God?

I know that God has me on this Earth for many reasons.  I think one of them is so that He can have a good laugh 🙂  When I think about where I have come from and where I am at this moment, it is nothing but through God’s grace that I am alive and thriving.  I am...

Who you want to meet

I am an introvert.  Now, if I know you very well, you may not think that is true.  But I tend to be very quiet and have a difficult time reaching out and developing new relationships.  So as a pastor’s wife, you can see how that may be a struggle :)There are a...