by cazmac9910 | May 7, 2012 | Oozing, Uncategorized
We finally bought boxes (considering we are moving in four weeks, we need to get with it)! My husband’s last Sunday to preach in Truth or Consequences will be on Father’s Day, but we have the opportunity to move into our new home (at least me and the...
by cazmac9910 | Apr 27, 2012 | Oozing, Uncategorized
I made it back from my whirlwind business trips to Wisconsin and Missouri without any problems. It amazes me that I have been on eight flights within the past week and not once did a person speak to me. You sit so closely to strangers and often times no one even...
by cazmac9910 | Apr 20, 2012 | God's love, gratitude, Hemophilia, Living Life, Oozing, prayer
Today I am off to Wisconsin to speak at a Couple’s Retreat. The couples are all affected by a bleeding disorder and my mission is to bring a positive, uplifting message as a parent of children with a bleeding disorder. This is my passion! Preaching God’s word and...
by cazmac9910 | Apr 13, 2012 | Oozing, Uncategorized
I am a huge advocate of devotional time. Having a daily time to either meditate, pray, journal, and simply take time for yourself, even if just for one minute, is critical to caring for yourself. But here is my problem…life takes over and gets in the way. I...
by cazmac9910 | Apr 9, 2012 | God's love, holiday's, intentional living, Living Life, Oozing
Some days are better than others. Some days we run and run, looking at the clock anticipating the next thing on the list that needs to be accomplished. If we are lucky, we occasionally have a day where the clock is not an issue. That’s one thing I love about...
by cazmac9910 | Apr 2, 2012 | Children, God's love, gratitude, Hemophilia, Living Life, Oozing
Everyone suffers something. But when children suffer, it breaks your heart. When your child suffers, and you can’t take the pain away, you would give your life for them. I walked past a room yesterday (as I am here in the hospital with...