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The Peanut to my Butter

My adorable husband and I are truly ones who finish each others sentences. We know how to play “good cop bad cop” extremely well. We enjoy simple meals at home with our sons.  And we love each other more than we did over 20 years ago. I am most grateful...

Happy Birthday

Six years ago, my life changed. Yes, it was a long, awaited day as my second child came into the world…sleeping and with a perfect haircut. But what I didn’t anticipate was how much my “Christian” would teach me. He came 10 years after my first...

My Dad’s Presence

Being fully aware and present is a gift.  Sometimes a person simply needs to know you are there for them.  Yesterday I felt my Dad’s presence as real as if we were embracing.I am in Houston with my family to begin the process of packing my mother-in-law’s...

Musical Memories

I am playing Oboe and English Horn with the Mesilla Valley Concert Band. We rehearse on Sunday evenings and I have been unable to attend as much as I have wanted to this season due to my bout with pneumonia and “Christian” being in the hospital. I went to...

My One Word for 2012 – Hope

The word I have chosen as a focus for 2012 is: At the forefront of my mind with this word is the health of my five year old, “Christian.” He has dealt with so many complications with his hemophilia. In and out of the hospital, painful bleeds, and an ankle...

My “One Word” for 2011 – Intentional

I heard the buzz in the blogosphere about focusing on one word for the new year. No resolutions, no lists or promises to make, just one word to focus on for the year.I immediately chose the word “intention.”I wanted to focus on the moments in my life that...