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I had the privilege of speaking at the Sangre de Oro Family Education Weekend this afternoon. I was able to share my story of living with hemophilia as well as sharing about doubt and joy in living with a chronic condition.They were the spunkiest group of people I...

Who Do You Talk To?

Who do you talk to the most? Your spouse, best friend….what about yourself? I think we spend most of our best and worst conversations with ourselves. It has made me wonder, as I have been in a weekly Bible Study on prayer, what our attitude is like when we speak to...

A Speaking Gig!

I am really excited about this weekend! I’ll be speaking at an event in Fargo, North Dakota on Saturday. I’ll be at the “Dakotas Retreat” for famiies with bleeding disorders presenting “From Doubt to Joy – Making the Most of Every...

No Control

I have been sick for over two weeks, been to the doctor three times and the emergency room twice…. I officially had pneumonia and landed in the hospital for four days. I am finally home where I belong :)Sometimes it takes extreme circumstances to make you slow down...

The School Yard

I spent a lot of time at school. Not just as a student and band director, but as the child of a reacher’s aide and an elementary school principal. Many days after school were spent in the workroom where my mom worked (the same elementary which I attended) and...