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I’m Clinging to My Cross

I don’t know that I’ve ever been as sick as I was as last week. I kept feeling worse and the pain in my ribs and back was excruciating. Worse than after my neck surgery and worse than pneumonia. As I was lying in bed Saturday night, I reached over to my nightstand and...

A New Part of My Story

I am listening to the kids play basketball outside of my window as the evening storms are about to begin. The house is quiet, my son will go to hemophilia camp tomorrow and I have 2/3rds of my final paper for the quarter left to complete and submit. Then I will have...

Episode 18: Camp Ministry – Meet Cindy

Cindy McCuaig is passionate about the Lord. She and husband, Bill, run the Sacramento Methodist Assembly Camp in the beautiful Sacramento, New Mexico mountains. Cindy shares about her journey to living on the “Holy Hill,” and her love for people shines...