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When I think about the roads I have been down I am pretty amazed at how my journey has landed me where I am…in the midst of a second career, preparing one child to move on to college and doing second grade homework with the other, while maintaining a home, being a pastor’s wife and launching my women’s ministry and speaking.  It’s not quite the life I had imagined…it’s just so much better.



I had an amazing opportunity to lead a Women’s Retreat (and be interviewed on the radio) this past weekend in Raton, NM.  It was during my opening message when I realized that I was truly following the path God prepared for me.  I had a clarity and comfort that made me truly feel as if I was “at home.”  It was where I was supposed to be and I felt more alive than ever.  I knew in that moment, without any doubt, that I am answering the call God has on my life.

I have no idea what is to come but what I do know for sure is that when we stop long enough to be still and listen to God and we step out in faith and follow Him, that nothing can ever compare.

Today I Am Thankful For

  1. tears of joy
  2. cantering a horse
  3. developing friendships
  4. listening
  5. perfectly, baked chicken