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Courage – noun – the ability to do something that frightens one; strength in the face of pain or grief.

When I think of the word courage I immediately think of my 9 year old son “Christian.”  He has conquered his fear of needles and handles his daily infusions beautifully.  He has come a long way in this battle and he is one of the bravest people I know.  But having courage is not just for people with huge obstacles.  Those of us living ordinary lives face times where we have to search down deep for great amounts of courage when we least expect it.

  • Maybe you have to face another mom in the PTA who tries to take over and not let you participate.  You have to find a way to get the courage to stand up and do what needs to be done for the good of the students.
  • You are in a meeting at work and the discussion is going against everything you believe.  Do you speak up, or let it go?
  • What about the committee you serve on at church.  Will they like your ideas or do you wait to hear what everyone else decides to do and you simply agree and move on?

These are all very real situations where you need to decide whether or not stepping out in faith and  be courageous will be the best thing to do.  It may be exactly what you need to do to prove to yourself that you are capable and willing.  Maybe your ideas aren’t the best and perhaps your opinions are simply stated without anyone changing their minds.  Regardless of the outcome, putting yourself out there and being strong and courageous builds your character and may be just what you need to confirm that you are indeed enough.

On Mother’s Day I will be going to Austin to take part in a writing retreat.  I am taking time off from work, going alone and stepping in to a situation where I do not know a soul.  I am not exactly sure where the writing will take me but I know it is where I need to be.  I am the kind of person who does not enjoy the “Meet and Greet” portion of the worship service.  I am always uncomfortable at parties and socializing is not my strength.  Here I am going to a retreat with 13 women who I have never met.  I will be sharing my writing (and that alone is unnerving) and going on a journey that I absolutely have no vision of where I will be going.

And I am excited 🙂

When did you last summon up courage for something that you were afraid of?

“Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”  Joshua 1:9 (NIV)

Today I Am Thankful For:

  1. Making music in church with my husband
  2. A clean garage
  3. Newborn babies
  4. Dishwashers
  5. Cherry tomatoes