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Sometimes I want to crawl into a hole and hibernate.  Not necessarily because of depression or sadness, but because there are times that I do not feel connected with the world.  I don’t find a connection with those around me and when I am hurt, I don’t always want to fight.  This is not a good place for me.

Six months since I have lost my full-time job and I am still struggling to find my way.  I had no idea how much I allowed my work to define me.  There is so much more to me and my life and even last week I was getting excited about some new opportunities.

But there are moments when you just feel “done” like well-done steak.  You are tough with no flavor.  I don’t want to be that person.

Today I Am Thankful For:

  1. a much needed nap
  2. BJ’s chopped chicken salad
  3. possibilities
  4. cold, tile floors
  5. A hug from a friend