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It’s funny how an overall pretty good week can be marked as a bad one with one unpleasant thing happening.  We give that unpleasant thing the power to destroy our outlook on an otherwise good week.  I am pretty guilty of letting that happen.


I find that lately I am not in an attitude of surrender.  Starting my day with a prayer of, “God, I’m giving it all to you…thy will, not mine, be done” is the best way for me to approach a day and it’s not happening right now.  Going to bed and getting out of bed are the hardest things for me to do.  My chronic neck pain (herniated disk) has been getting worse and living with it for two years has been exhausting and extremely painful.  I am looking forward to April as I am scheduled for  surgery and pray that I will have relief.  I have been letting my pain get the best of me and it is time to focus on surrender.

Surrender sounds scary.  The first thing that comes to my mind is someone waving a white flag, “I surrender!  I give up!”  But surrender is more than “giving up.”  That sounds so negative.  I like to think of it as “giving completely of yourself.”

Tomorrow morning I will say my prayer of surrender before my feet hit the floor.  I have no idea what God has in store for me and if I surrender my will to Him, I should have a better chance at living a day with great intention.

What keeps you from surrendering?

Today I Am Thankful For:

  1. Paper cuts
  2. Clorox wipes
  3. Dog toys
  4. An empty football field (to play with the dogs)
  5. dustpans