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Yes, the enemy knows where to attack us, doesn’t he? I actually said, out loud, “I am so glad the boys are back to normal”. Well, not long after that comment yesterday, my little one developed another bleed. It is under control, but it will take infusing throughout the weekend.

The enemy has been using hemophilia against me lately. The ugliness and pain that hemophilia can inflict on a person has shown up in my boys. If I could take their pain away, I would, but I can’t. I know I am being tested. I have to rely on God through all things but I find myself so absorbed in “the problem” that I forget that He is waiting on me.

He meets me where I am. When I am about to shed tears over the pain my boys endure, when I am stressed out because my little one is having a bleed and my husband is out of town, when I “fall off the wagon” and overeat because I need to be comforted, He is there. He is my comfort. I hate that I give in to other things to comfort me.

I fall short of the mark in making Christ my center. I desperately want to go to Him in all things…even when things are great and uneventful, I want to go to Him with everything I have.

Today I Am Thankful For:
1. having a great workout
2. ice, cold water
3. being productive at work
4. clean, folded clothes
5. eating oranges with my little one