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I am attending the Hemophilia Federation of America’s Symposium in St. Louis and let me tell you something, I feel energy like I’ve not felt in a very, long time! The symposium has grown over the years and being in the presence of 1,000 people who are affected by a bleeding disorder is just amazing.

You don’t have to know everyone because what you do know is that the people who are walking the halls with you, the people who are sitting in sessions making connections and learning about things that may enhance their way of life, are the people who have walked in your shoes.

They know what excessive bruising and bleeds look and feel like.

They know what it is like to sit in the emergency for hours and live in a hopsital room for days and weeks on end.

They know that sometimes pain medications don’t work and all that does work in holding someone’s hand when you are both in tears.

These are the people whose energy and passion for life help fill those parts of me that are often empty.

They share their stories openly with passion.

These are the people who help me see that there is a bright future in store for my boys.

I absolutely adore them all.