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grudgeI’ll be honest. I’ve been holding a grudge for several months and it’s killing me. I want so badly to shake this person and say, “You had no right!” But I know an apology will not come and there is nothing I can do to fix the situation. It has put distance between me and my ministry…distance between me and people I love to be around and a distance between me and God.

This is not good and I don’t like how I feel.

The last thing I want is to move through my days, especially Sunday’s, with a resentment that makes me a different person. The only person suffering from this is me. I know I am worth more than any misunderstanding or ill intended action, but I want to make things “right” by calling someone out. But what good would that do?

That’s not what our God tells us to do. His message is that of love, and forgiveness is definitely something we need to embrace. It’s so, stinking hard.

I have an estranged relationship that seems to have no resolution. Several years ago I realized that the only thing I could do was to pray for this person. Not pray for the relationship to be resolved, but I pray for their heart.

When we let our prayer life slip, these yucky relationships, the grudges we hold, the issues that eat us up seem to take over. If we kept our prayer lives healthy then maybe our hearts would soften and move towards forgiveness.

  • Forgiving ourselves for poor choices.
  • Forgiving others who have wronged us.
  • Forgiving ourselves for not putting time into our relationship with God.

I need to move on and have a heart that forgives. It won’t happen tomorrow, but I’m working on it.

Today I Am Thankful For:

  1. My son comes home from Portland tomorrow!
  2. My son comes home from Portland tomorrow!
  3. My son comes home from Portland tomorrow!
  4. My son comes home from Portland tomorrow!
  5. My son comes home from Portland tomorrow!