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happy half yearJanuary 1, 2017…I had such big plans. I was going to embrace my One Word, “change,” and really make a difference in my life. By the summer I would have lost at least 20 pounds, been going to the gym regularly, having a daily prayer life and been employed full-time.  Here I am, 6 months later with none of those things accomplished. I started to really get down about it all but realized, “I don’t have to call the year a wash already unless I completely give in! I am going to reclaim my word and make the best of the next 6 months.”

The weight and the gym will come in time, and what I have noticed is that over the past few months, I have felt better. I had a low period with my depression, but other than that I can’t complain. My pain is manageable and I am just doing better overall. I had no idea my previous job was affecting me physically. I can now truly give thanks to God for being laid off.

As for a full-time job, I have a couple of companies who want me on board, but I have decided to not go back into the healthcare field full time. It is one of the best things I have done for myself. I work part-time on a speaker’s bureau for a pharmaceutical company and I love it! I am also writing a column for an online, bleeding disorder publication and doing some freelance writing for other groups. But the biggest news is that I am going back to school in the fall! I can truly give thanks to God for opening the right doors for me to pursue my Master’s degree.

And my prayer life? Well, it’s been a struggle. I’ve been dealing with some things that have pulled me away from ministry and figuring it all out has been difficult. But for the first time in a while, I feel like I am going to be able to move forward. I have also answered a calling to do something out of my comfort zone for clergy spouses…more to come.

Sometimes we have the best of intentions and no matter how hard we try, life happens.

I am determined to say, “Happy Half-Year” this month as we start the last half of 2017.

Change happens, like it or not. But if we take control and make positive changes in our life, we’ll be prepared for whatever comes next.

Today I Am Thankful For:

  1. wind
  2. eyebrow waxing
  3. average barbeque
  4. clean counters
  5. melatonin