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I never understood why people would say,

  • “How did time go by so fast?”
  • “It was just yesterday that he was a toddler!”
  • “It’s already Christmas?”

I think the older you get the more these questions and comments make sense. It is sometimes hard to believe that my oldest son is 23, that I have been with my husband for over 30 years and that I am close to completing my seminary degree.

I met with my academic advisor last week to review my courses needed to fulfill the requirements for my Master of Divinity degree. Iliff is on the quarter system, so I went into this meeting thinking I would take classes through the Winter of 2021. My advisor, who is new, reviewed my courses with a colleague and if all goes according to plan, I will complete my course requirements in November of 2020! Two quarters left! Seven classes left! It truly is hard to believe that I began this journey in the Fall of 2017. So, what is next?

Each of the members of my cohort came into seminary with a goal in mind. Some were answering their call to lead a church, others to work at a non-profit with a social justice focus and others looking to develop new programs in their areas. During our introductions for our classes, they would tell the class of their aspirations, but I was different. I was the one who was in seminary without a clue as to where I was heading. What I did know was that God called me to school, so I listened.

Do I know what my life will look like next November with my degree in hand? No. I have heard God calling me to pursue ordained ministry as a deacon and I am working through the process. Do I know what that means for me? Not exactly.

When my family left Texas in 2006 and moved to New Mexico to answer my husband’s call to full-time ministry, we stepped out in faith, unsure of what was to come, knowing that God would lead us. And yes, God has been with us every moment.

I will finish school, continue my work towards ordination, and keep my heart open, listening intently to what the Divine has in mind for me. I have a feeling that a season of abundance and blessings is on the way. It’s hard to believe that because I truly feel like that is the season I am currently in.

Here I am Lord, I will go where you lead me.

Today I Am Thankful For:

  1. Electricity
  2. Rainy days
  3. Lavender
  4. Newspapers
  5. Mary Kay parties