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I want to scream, but I can’t!

I want to give some people a piece of my mind, but I can’t!

I want to shake some “adults” and tell them they are acting like children, but I can’t!

All I want to do is stand up for my son but when your son is 19, he has to fight his own battles.

It’s just killing me.

Julian has been working at his first job for over a year.  He has been a dedicated employee, has worked hard, learned about some sports he knew nothing about in order to keep records, has run a snack bar, put divots back into the playing field, run the scoreboard, hosted birthday parties, collected payments, checked out skates, etc.  He has basically done everything except drive the zamboni.  I have seen his work ethic flourish and I have been very proud of him.

Unfortunately the joy he found in  his job has diminished over the past few months.  His workplace has become a “hostile environment” and he put in his two week notice.  It’s hard to encourage your young adult to keep doing the right thing when supervisors and coworkers are just being hateful, but fortunately he has kept true to himself.  It came to a head today and I wanted to go and “fix the problem” (by sharing a few words with the manager and owner) but I could not do it.

My son did the right things and was still made out to be the bad guy.  It has broken my heart.

All I could do was encourage him and told him that when we do the right thing, it makes a difference.  In this situation it didn’t matter to those directly involved but I know that it matters to God.  Some people call it “karma” (the Buddhist belief that whatever you do comes back to you, e.g. if you do something good, something good will happen to you).  I call it God working in your life.

It may not be that my son sees the reward of doing the right thing in this moment, but he will one day know without a doubt that doing things for the right reasons matter.

This Mama Bear has to keep her claws to herself for now and is so grateful that her little cub knows how to be the bigger person.

Today I Am Thankful For:

  1. A compassionate heart
  2. Freshly baked cookies
  3. Hot air balloons
  4. Cooler temperatures
  5. Lunch with my hubby