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My husband came home for lunch today and as we were eating (I was working at my computer) he said “Here is one that will bring a smile to your face.”  He played a recording of a song from one of my favorite movies… “The Prince of Egypt.”  The character “Jethro” sings “Through Heavens Eyes.”  Jethro was played by Brian Stokes Mitchell and it just doesn’t get much better than this recording.

It hit me a little differently as I listened today.

“A single thread in a tapestry

Through its color brightly shine

Can never see its purpose

In the pattern of the grand design”

We are all here for a purpose.  It may seem like our jobs and callings are insignificant compared to those with “more important jobs and callings”, but when we work as though we are working for the Lord, we all make a difference.

“And the stone that sits on the very top

Of the mountain’s mighty face

Does it think it’s more important

Than the stones that form the base?”

I think of playing in an orchestra and how empty it feels without the string bass and tubas.  Without them it is just not the same.

“So how can you see what your life is worth

Or where your value lies?

You can never see through the eyes of man

You must look at your life

Look at your life through heaven’s eyes”

If only we did that a little more often.  When is the last time you looked at your life and imagined what God saw?  Yes, there are times in my life I wish to forget and wish that God had not seen, but those times brought me to where I am at this moment and for that I am beyond blessed.

“So how do you measure the worth of a man

In wealth or strength or size?

In how much he gained or how much he gave?

The answer will come

The answer will come to him who tries

To look at his life through heaven’s eyes”

And if you are in a season of yuck right now, tomorrow is a new day…there is hope for a better day.

“No life can escape being blown about

By the winds of change and chance

And though you never know all the steps

You must learn to join the dance

You must learn to join the dance”

I am in a season of learning to dance.  I am so grateful for where I am in my journey of faith and how holding fast to what I believe has sustained me through some of the worst and best times in my life.  Being hopeful and grateful is a learned practice. It’s just not always easy.  Thinking about what we don’t have or have enough of is usually where our hearts and minds wander.

Won’t you  join the dance with me?

Today I Am Thankful For:

  1. The sound of rain on the windows
  2. A midday walk
  3. Letting go of too many books
  4. Email
  5. eardrops