I’ll be honest about something. The thing that scares me the most about continuing Seminary is the “language.” When you are in school, your writing takes on a new langage. An academic style. I’ve been writing columns and blogs for quite a while and it does not translate well to the world of “academia.”
It scares me to death. The whole world of theology is a completely different animal on an academic level. But I have to suck it up and do it. I am in the process of researching upcoming classes and getting back into the swing of higher education.
I am excitedly working through my book for the initial process through the church and will meet with my mentor next week for discussion.
Possibilites are everywhere.
Today I Am Thankful For:
1. being Diet Coke free for over a week!
2. video games to pass the time during long infusions
3. pants with holes (because it means my little one plays hard)
4. rolling tables in the hospital
5. possibilities