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I’ve never been a big “Valentine’s Day” person.  When my husband and I were dating we often had rehearsals, concerts, or conventions on the 14th of February.  Maybe an occasional dinner but never anything extremely special was made of that day.

Today I have watched as people would pass me in the halls of the hospital (where my little boy is currently being treated) saying “Happy Valentine’s Day”!  I’ve seen flowers being delivered, special cupcakes on dinner trays, balloons…you get the picture.

Why is there a day dedicated to love?  Does this mean the other 364 days of the year should not focus on love?

I know that right now as I have relocated for a time to the hospital with my son that I am reminded of what love looks like.

  • The young cancer patient delivering Valentine’s cards to the children who are not able to get around as easily.
  • The efforts of the Childlife team working to make the days a little easier for the hospitalized children and their families.
  • A doctor who pulled my husband and I into a conference room for over an hour to discuss my son’s treatment, showing concern for our entire family.
  • A massage therapist that comes in to work on my son through the pain he is enduring…making light of stressful surroundings.
  • A visit by two friends taking time out during their day off to check on all of us.
  • The vibrancy and enthusiasm the nurses and techs on the floor have as they are surrounded by children who are extremely sick.  These individuals always have a kind word, include you in their funny, lighthearted conversations and make you feel like family.

And in a sterile hospital room, stopping for a moment and dancing with my husband.

Yes, the world stopped for a few moments today as I held my husband close as he reminded me that we would get through this together.

Love is more than flowers and candy and balloons.

It’s not just a noun, it’s best lived as a verb.

Today I Am Thankful For:

  1. Claritin
  2. An amazing sunset
  3. The generosity of strangers
  4. Chocolate milk
  5. New pillowcases