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The day was winding down, day 10 in the hospital, and who walked in the room?  The resident and her attending.  I was quite stunned to be honest.  The day before I spoke with the Patient Advocate for the hospital and explained what happened and wanted to make sure that my voice was heard and most importantly that another patient was not treated as poorly as we were.

The resident walked in and I could see that it was probably the hardest thing she had done to date.  I could see she was on the verge of tears.  She was very apologetic, never intended to come across the way she did and was almost beside herself that it had happened.  Of course, I accepted her apology, made sure I told her how she made me feel “dismissed” and that the “pain program” at the hospital did not meet our needs.  It was obvious that there is a component missing for patients like my son and the attending and I had some very good discussion.

I was gracious, but firm and ended with hugging each of them.  I can sometimes be a little too passionate for my own good.

The truth is (and I told her this) that I had absolutely no idea what her day had been like when she came in our room that day.  I knew she had many other patients and fires to put out but I made sure she understood that my main concern was my son.  That I would do anything in the world for him, that I would leave no stone unturned to find a way to ease his pain and help him improve.  And that despite her day, he was my ultimate concern.

Things on day 11 are improving.  And I am praying day 12 will bring better things.

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