We are only a few days away from our big move to Rio Rancho, NM. My husband has accepted a new pastoral appointment at a bigger church and we are very excited. Every day has been filled with packing…a box here…a box there. Fortunately we have stored several things well and it has not been too terrible of a chore. I am a little nervous because I will not be here when the truck comes or when things are unloaded at our new home. I’ll be in Boston for a meeting (some people say I have great timing 🙂 It’s eye opening when you pack. You spend time deciding what is important to you and whether or not it is going to be put in a box to be unpacked again. What makes something important enough to make the cut? When you look at your life and see the bags and boxes that accumulate, do they represent what you want to be remembered for? When I pared down my closet to only the most essential things I would need for the next week, I stepped back and felt a huge weight off my shoulders. It was freeing! I know it sounds crazy, but having less to choose from feels great 🙂 I want to use this move as an opportunity to shed some baggage. Baggage that weighs me down. I want my life to be an example of how Christ can live through a person. He didn’t need a bunch of “stuff,” and I don’t either. Today I Am Thankful For: 1. Space Bags 2. Paper Plates 3. Dust Bunnies 4. A housewarming card from a sweet friend 5. Abundance