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I struggle on Sunday mornings. As the wife of a pastor, “meeting and greeting” is part of the morning. I always feel like I have to be “on” and am always concerned that I am not “genuine” in my intentions. I’ll admit, sometimes I have to pull myself up and “fake it” if I’m not feeling well or don’t remember someone’s name. Honestly, going up to make conversation with someone is not my strength.

Yesterday morning was different. I went early to fix a few small things (a new tablecloth at the entry, the new Children’s worship boxes, water the new flowers, etc.) and for the first time I truly felt as if I was serving wholeheartedly.

It’s not that I have served with negative intentions, but the pressures and expectations that go along with being the wife of a pastor are hard to sometimes deal with.

The bottom line is…I am a regular person. I don’t wear a powder blue suit with a pill box hat on Sunday’s with a casserole waiting in the oven when we get home. I am a broken person who struggles each day to do the best that I can. Each day is a new day to bring the best of myself to my family, our congregation and most importantly, myself.

I struggle and try to struggle well. Aren’t we blessed to have each day begin fresh and new.

Remember, his mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23)

Today I Am Thankful For:

1. A clean yard
2. Memories of my Dad
3. Leftover roast
4. A fantastic Palm Sunday service
5. AA batteries

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