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I have been involved in many different aspects of ministry in my local church. Setting up and serving communion, reading scripture, designing altars, creating and leading women’s ministries, preaching…you get the idea. But one of the most meaningful experiences I have had over the past 10 years has been leading a women’s Sunday school.

Something special happens when a group of women get together. There is a comfort, an outlet for them to speak openly, laugh with sheer abandon and question and disagree (and still walk out as friends). Every study we have done has brought a new excitement about learning, and gives everyone the opportunity to share when in other places they feel like they cannot.

This past Saturday, we all got together for lunch at “E’s” house. It was my going away lunch. We laughed and ate and laughed some more. I will miss them dearly because over the past year, this class has been a source of strength for me. I don’t think they will ever understand how important they have been for my heart.

I promised myself I wouldn’t get emotional and thought I was going to make it, until my beautiful friend, “E” came in with a creation like no other. She made me a friendship quilt. My breath was completely taken away and yes, the tears started to roll. My fingers passed over the stitches as I drank in this work of art. This work of art that was made out of love for me. It was amazing. If you are ever given a quilt, take those moments to look at the stitching…it’s truly phenomenal.

I sit here thinking about my class and how much I will miss them. But my hope is that part of me stays with them and keeps them thinking, questioning, and yes, even praying out loud without fear.

You women are phenomenal. I love you all.

Today I Am Thankful For:

1. Paper clips
2. Lint rollers
3. A home cooked meal
4. Strawberries
5. Red posies